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Philosophy Majors Attend Summer Programs

Philosophy majors Sara Yamadi and Luke Metzger

Two NC State philosophy majors participated in week-long philosophy programs this past summer. Both programs brought students from groups underrepresented in the field of philosophy together in an inclusive environment. 

Sara Yamadi, a Junior, attended the PIKSY-Logic program hosted by Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. The five-day summer school offered eleven students the opportunity to study logic under the tutelage of some of the top logicians in the United States. Yamadi applied to the program because she wanted to learn more about logic at the graduate school level.

Besides the lectures on various logic topics, students had many opportunities to interact with the professors on a more informal basis. These interactions, says Yamadi, allowed her to “gain insight into what their careers in academia look like, which I found to be really helpful as an undergraduate student.”

She also appreciated the opportunity to meet the other students in the program, saying that “Despite our diverse backgrounds and educational experiences, I found that we still had many things in common due to our passion for philosophy!” 

Luke Metzger, also a Junior, attended the Rutgers Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy in New Brunswick, New Jersey. This program aimed to “bring in as diverse a range of philosophical perspectives as possible,” he explained. “Every person at the program came from a different walk of life, and I think the philosophy we did ended up being all the better because of it.”

Metzger added that “Being around such kind, compassionate thinkers and human beings ultimately reinforced my own philosophical conviction to continue to critically pursue my work with diligence, respect, empathy, and an open mind and heart.”

Both Yamadi and Metzger encourage students who are interested in deepening their understanding of philosophy to look into these summer programs for themselves. “The program challenged me to think critically and also gave me the chance to have fun and make new friends,” Yamadi said. “As a result, I have a new network of friends and faculty I can reach out to as I continue my studies further in philosophy. And that is priceless.”

Metzger echoed this sentiment, saying that summer philosophy programs are “a wonderful opportunity to figure out what you’re interested in, and if philosophy might be something that resonates with you beyond the classroom.”

Russell Marcus of Hamilton College maintains a list of summer philosophy programs.